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7 Cleaning Hacks to Make Chores Easier

7 Cleaning Hacks to Make Chores Easier

Cleaning can take forever. The process is often long and painful, not to mention repetitive. You can only clean the same toilet so many times before you start to lose your mind. But a clean home brings peace of mind, boosts productivity, and increases happiness! Cleaning comes with a number of benefits, so finding ways to make it easier on yourself can help you stay motivated.

Making your space sparkle doesn't have to take hours. Here are a few simple tricks that can help you stay on top of cleaning your home without it taking hours of grueling work!

1. Develop a Daily Cleaning Routine

There are some chores that happen more frequently than others. Choosing a time of day to do the brunt of your cleaning might make things simpler. You could opt to split up the work by tidying your home in the morning and doing the dishes in the evening. Either way, try new things and find what works best for you and your schedule.

You might adopt the motto "clean as you go." This could look like washing your dish when you're done with it or wiping down the counters after you make dinner.

2. Plan Ahead

Planning ahead is never a bad idea. Planning can be as involved or as removed as you want it to be. Creating a cleaning plan can help you be accountable. You could dedicate one week each month to a specific room or section of your home. Find what works best for you!

3. Declutter and Simplify Your Space

It's not too surprising that a minimalistic space is much easier to maintain. Taking the time to declutter your home is worth the effort! There are a few ways you might simplify your home, but here are some of our favorites:

  • Avoid keeping anything on the floor except furniture.

  • Get rid of things that you don't use.

  • Make sure everything has a specific place.

4. Invest in Quality Supplies

Use products that work for you and your home. At Zerorez®, we always recommend trying to find natural or non-toxic cleaning products when you can. Home health begins with keeping your space clean, but that doesn't include spraying toxic chemicals all around your home.

You might also invest in a cleaning caddy or organizational container. If you have more than one room, this is a convenient way to make cleaning quick and easy. Instead of running back and forth to grab additional cleaning supplies from your closet, you can carry around your cleaning caddy until you've finished your routine.

5. Clean Top to Bottom

We've all done it: Finished sweeping and mopping the kitchen floor only to discover that we forgot to wipe the counters. Cleaning top to bottom just makes sense. You don't want crumbs from the kitchen counter to fall onto your sparkling floor, or dust from your fan blades to land all over your clean counters! When you think of your house in terms of top to bottom, you can create a quick and easy game plan.

6. Make Cleaning Fun

Cleaning is mainly seen as a necessary evil. Why not make it fun instead? Here are a few things that might make the cleaning process a bit more upbeat:

  • Watch your favorite TV show. As you do the dishes and sweep the house, enjoy the company of your favorite TV characters.

  • Listen to your favorite music. Whether you enjoy 80s hairmetal or rap, listening to your favorite songs can make cleaning fun. You might even create a cleaning playlist to help you get motivated!

  • Listen to an audiobook or podcast. Is there a podcast you haven't had a chance to listen to? A book you've been dying to read? Cleaning provides the perfect opportunity to listen to new things.

  • Turn it into a game. Try to beat your last laundry folding record. Set a 15-minute timer and see how much you can get done!

  • Reward yourself. Rewards can make the process a lot more fun. After cleaning the kitchen, treat yourself to your favorite coffee. Once the bathroom is taken care of, sit down and enjoy your favorite TV show with no guilt.

7. Hire a professional

Cleaning can be made even simpler when you hire a professional cleaning service like Zerorez. Zerorez in Tampa Bay offers a wide variety of cleaning services, which include:

  • Carpet Cleaning

  • Area Rug Cleaning

  • Tile and Grout Cleaning

  • Air Duct Cleaning

  • Upholstery Cleaning

  • And More

With Zerorez, the harder can be made simple! Check off deep cleaning all the surfaces in your home when you book your next appointment with!