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Why You Should REALLY Clean Your Tile

Why You Should REALLY Clean Your Tile

The holidays are finally here! Your home is about to be filled with lots of guests, food, and… heavy foot traffic. Boots tracking in dirty snow, food falling off Thanksgiving preparation tables, and kids running around spreading the mess from the doorways and kitchen down into the hallway. Times like this mean that your tile floors are about to get even more dirty!

Most people don't even realize how dirty their tile gets over time. During the holiday season, cleaning your tile floors and grout may be one of the last things you are thinking about. Although your to-do list is likely filled with much more exciting things such as shopping at the mall, holiday decorating, and gift wrapping, adding "tile cleaning" onto that to-do list will be well worth it.

Reasons You Need Holiday Tile and Grout Cleaning

Tile cleaning should become an essential part of your holiday preparation for a few reasons:

First, no matter how many times you sweep, there is still residue you miss because a broom or even a mop can't get all the filth off your floor - especially what's gotten stuck in your grout!

Second, tile and grout cleaning leaves your home healthier. Professionally cleaning your tile will help remove sticky old spots of food that pests love to feed on.

Third, you will be pleasantly surprised at how shiny and clean your tile is after a professional Zerorez® tile cleaning! It is so easy to forget how beautiful your tile originally was when you let dirt and grime build up on the surface. Time and again our customers are amazed by the difference they see when we pull that first stripe on their tile floor, "Wow, it is supposed to look like that!" is a common phrase we hear!

How Zerorez® Tile and Grout Cleaning will Prepare you for the Holidays

The Zerorez® cleaning process uses Zr Clean™️ at high but safe pressure to remove soil and restore the color of your grout. This signature cleaning process we use will restore your floor's appearance to "like new." It creates an invisible barrier that can block stain penetration and a smoother and more hygienic surface that is easier to clean.

Zerorez® is here and ready to help your big cleaning projects happen quickly and efficiently without a drop of your sweat this holiday season. You can certainly indulge in some knee-to-tile action and attempt scrubbing your tile grout using a toothbrush. But we like to think that simply calling the professionals will be a much cheaper option than paying for knee surgery down the road